How to Get your Website Listed in the Search Engines Quickly
You will learn how to be listed in the search engines fast but we will use the safest method.
Lets start by asking the question; "What are the search engines looking for?" Well the obvious and correct answer is Unique Conent. That is the main thing the search engines are looking for. All the fancy algorithms are designed to make sure that they can offer there customers (the web browser) the most relevant content to there search.
Next your site must be a site that shows that it is an expert on the subject. You will get your site listed much higher this way.
You are about to learn exactly how to get listed and give the search engines the great content they want and prove that you are an authority on the subject.
To become an authority site you need lots of other sites linking to you and when other sites that are an autority on a subject link to your sites then your site will have even more relevance in the eyes of the search engines.
To review we need:
1. Good Content.
2. Be an expert on our topic.
Now all we have to do is put this on our site, How?
The answer is Article Marketing. With Article Marketing you will create great content for your site and then submit that same content to the hundreds of article submission sites.
With Article Marketing you can not put any links to your site within the body of the article. They do allow you to put a resource or bio for your articles. In this box you will put something about yourself let your audience know you are a authority on the subject and then link back to your site.
For example if you have a site that talks about horse training then you might put in your bio, "John Doe has been training horses for the last 20 years. His site horse training tips is loaded with training tips for your horse."
In the bio you will want to link horse training tips back to your site. With this you are now known as an authorty on the subject of horse training and you see how it draws the customer back to your site.
If you can't write articles there are many places you can sub-contract the work out to. These are FreeLance sites and you can get it done very resonably.
Submitting to hundreds of sites may seem to be a daunting task. There are great software programs to help us in this area.
So now that we have our articles submitted to the article sites the magic begins to happen. When you submit your article to the article submission sites you give them permission to allow others to use your article on their site. The caveat is that they must use your article as is and include your bio (resource box).
In just a few days the search engines will show your articles being linked for ohter sites some of them expert sites. These are the valuable links we are looking for.
When the search engines find your articles linking back you will get spidered and that is when you will get listed. After you get spread to many other sites your listing will climb.
So this is how to get listed quickly. If you use this method your site will hold its listing longer as it is being done the way the search engines would like to see it. With great content and your site becoming an authority site.
The most important thing is that you take this information and use it.
By: Glen Barnhardt
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